Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Nectarine Nuggets of Mahaaguru - 594

When Krishna holds the flute, he fills it with his divine breath. Then His own Jnaana emerges according to His wish. However when the same flute is held by someone else, devoid of divinity, the act of filling the breath may take place but what emerges from it is different. Purna-naada flows from the flute of Krishna who is Himself the source of Naada; such a divine naada can never come out through one who is not familiar with its recondite aspects. Although the external acts appear to be similar, instead of it being an anukarana (emulation) it becomes an apakarana (straying away). In the same way today, in the temples designed by Jnaanis, Jnaana is missing while arishadvargas (group of six enemies-lust, anger etc) have taken possession. 


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